About Me

My name is Samuel Pearman and I am a freshman at the School of Health and Human Science at Indianapolis University of Indiana. My education and career goal is to complete my undergraduates degree, get a bachelor's degree, and achieve a doctorate in Physical Therapy. Once I've obtained all educational degrees required, gain certification in a legitimate organization, and obtain a license to work as a Physical Therapist. Throughout my life, my family has seen health complications, and the one that gave me motivation was seeing my grandpa go through P.T. in order to walk again. I saw the aspect of strengthening someone both mentally and physically and I want to do that for as many as I can. I also seek to fight against the crisis of obesity and stagnant lifestyle by encouraging a physical lifestyle with a nutritious diet. Obesity is a disease as well as physical deterioration, and the best cure is work and progressing effort.


My interest in this field also stems from my personal health journey. After my grandma died, I wasn't eating healthy, stayed in my room, and wasn't exactly living a healthy lifestyle. After the doctor told me that I was over 16 pounds underweight, I made the decision to change. I lifted weights, learned proper dieting, and made goals for myself physically. This progress made me discover just how much a little effort can snowball into a massive alteration in ones own health. This progress and understanding got me out of the depression I put myself into after my grandma's passing. After my dad passed away in 2021, I escaped using exercise and weight lifting. It gave me comfort through the pain, the progress, and the strength. Since then, I believe that through progress and physical activity, anyone can escape whatever is dragging them down. And so it is my goal to improve the lives of others through the discomfort of effort, so that it no longer becomes discomfort, but a form of life. To be comfortable knowing nothing is predicted in life, which is why we make goals and put effort into achieving those goals.


 I aim to strengthen. I aim to empower. I aim to achieve.